July 27, 2024

7 Best Places to Visit in Ghorakhal


Ghorakhal is a scenic village located near Nainital in the state of Uttarakhand, India. It is known for its natural beauty, serene ambiance, and historic significance. Here are some of the best places to visit in Ghorakhal:

Ghorakhal Temple: The Ghorakhal Temple is a popular religious site in the region. Dedicated to Lord Golu, an incarnation of Lord Shiva, the temple holds significant religious importance. It offers stunning views of the surrounding hills and attracts devotees seeking blessings and spiritual solace.

Ghorakhal Tea Garden: Ghorakhal is famous for its sprawling tea gardens. A visit to the tea gardens allows you to experience the scenic beauty of lush green tea plantations and learn about the tea cultivation process. You can also savor freshly brewed tea while enjoying the tranquility of the surroundings.

Nainital Lake: Although not located in Ghorakhal, Nainital Lake is a must-visit attraction nearby. It is a beautiful lake situated in the heart of Nainital and offers boating and yachting opportunities. Surrounded by hills, the lake provides a serene setting for a leisurely walk or a picnic.

Sattal: Sattal, which means “seven lakes,” is a cluster of interconnected freshwater lakes situated close to Ghorakhal. Surrounded by lush greenery, Sattal is a peaceful destination known for its biodiversity. It offers opportunities for bird watching, nature walks, and boating.

Bhimtal: Bhimtal is another nearby town famous for its picturesque Bhimtal Lake. The lake is larger than Nainital Lake and offers boating facilities. Bhimtal also houses a beautiful island in the center of the lake that can be visited by boat.

Haldwani: Haldwani is a bustling town located close to Ghorakhal. It serves as a gateway to the Kumaon region and offers various attractions such as Gaula Barrage, Kali Chaur, and the Hedakhan Ashram. Haldwani is also a commercial hub with bustling markets and shopping opportunities.

Naukuchiatal: Naukuchiatal, meaning “lake of nine corners,” is a scenic lake located near Ghorakhal. Surrounded by hills and dense forests, the lake offers tranquility and natural beauty. Boating, fishing, and paragliding are popular activities here.

Ghorakhal and its surrounding areas offer a mix of religious, natural, and cultural attractions. Whether you seek spiritual solace, natural beauty, or outdoor activities, Ghorakhal provides a serene and enjoyable experience for visitors.