February 18, 2025

9 Best Places to Visit in Rupnagar

Virasat-e-Khalsa Punjab

Top Tourist Attractions in Rupnagar


Rupnagar is a city and municipal municipality in the Rupnagar district of Punjab, India. Rupnagar is the fifth Divisional Headquarters of Punjab, and it encompasses Rupnagar, Mohali, and the surrounding districts. It is also one of the more significant Indus Valley Civilization sites.
The town is a shadily inhabited area recognised for being one of the key Indus Valley Civilization archaeological sites. In independent India, Ropar is the first Indus valley excavation site. The Ropar excavations have provided a wealth of information on the Indus Valley civilization and the Harappa Culture.

Best Places to Visit in Rupnagar

  1. Takhat Sri Keshgarh Sahib
  2. Gurudwara Parivar Vichhora Sahib
  3. Gurudwara Bhatta Sahib
  4. Jateshwar Mahadev Temple, Jatwahar
  5. Bhakra Nangal Dam
  6. Virasat-E-Khalsa
  7. Bhakra Dam
  8. Nangal
  9. Shri Naina Devi Temple

Takhat Sri Keshgarh Sahib, Rupnagar

Gurudwara Keshgarh Sahib, which stands on the site where the “Khalsa” was born, is the most important of the Anandpur Sahib shrine complex. It is one of the five sacred “Takhats,” or religious seats, of the Sikhs. It is located on the main Rupnagar-Nangal road, and to reach the shrine, which is built on a hillock, one must walk up a cobblestone path. Before ascending some steps, DarshaniDeorhi must be crossed. Then there’s the open marbled quadrangle with steps leading up to the central shrine. A room in the hall’s centre displays twelve of Guru Gobind Singh’s battle weapons.

Takhat Sri Keshgarh Sahib, Rupnagar

There is an imposing dome on the hall with a golden kalas on the top. A big serai of about 200 rooms is also attached.

It was here in 1699, on the Baisakhi day (13th April), Tenth Master Guru Gobind Singh Ji created Khalsa by baptizing five beloved Sikhs known as “PanjPiaras”. At the behest of the Guru, thousands of people had assembled on the hill where now Gurudwara Keshgarh Sahib stands. The Guru appeared before the congregation with a naked sword in his hand and told that his thirsty sword demanded the life of a volunteer. A deep hush fell over the crowd. Ultimately, Daya Ram, a Khatri of Lahore came forward. The Guru took him to a tent and returned with his sword with blood. He asked for another head and Dharam Dass, a Jat from Delhi offered himself. Three more similar calls brought out Mohakam Chand, a washerman of Dwarka,

Night View of Takhat Sri Keshgarh Sahib, Rupnagar

Sahib Chand, a barber from Bidar and Himmat Rai, a water carrier from Jagan Nath Puri. From the tent in which these five followers had been taken, Guru Gobind Singh brought out the five Sikhs dressed in new clothes, blue turbaned with loose long yellow shirts, a waist band round their waists, with sorts of Knicker-bockers worn as underwears and with swords dangling by their sides. It was an inspiring sight. The Guru told the congregation that these were his Five Beloved Sikhs (Panj Payaras), and he baptized them by offering them Amrit (the nectar of immortality) he had prepared by dissolving Sugar Bubbles (Patasa) in water sanctifying the sweetened water by stirring it with double edged sword (khanda) and reciting the holy verses. The Guru himself took the Amrit from the Panj Payaras, thus removing the distinction between himself and followers. On that day, Guru Gobind Rai became Guru Gobind Singh. The Panj Payaras were enjoined to embrace the five symbols of the new Sikh faith, Kes (unshorn hair), Kangha (comb), Kara (steel bracelet), Kachha (short drawer) and Kirpan (sword). The ceremony gave followers of Guru, a new identity which was to prepare the Sikhs for their struggle against the Mughal State and influence the future of the country.

Gurudwara Parivar Vichhora Sahib, Rupnagar

Gurudwara Parivar Vichhora Sahib is located near the village of Nangal Sirsa, about 14 kilometres from Rupnagar. It has a steep 84-step staircase leading to the top. Guru Gobind Singh arrived here with his family and followers after leaving the Fort of Anandpur Sahib. He had not yet reached the bank of the Sirsa River, 15 kilometres to the east, when he was attacked by a large contingent led by Wazir Khan, the Governor of Sirhind. When the Guru was heavily engaged, another Mughal detachment launched an assault on the first batch, which was halting on the river bank. A fierce battle erupted here, and the majority of Guru’s followers were killed. It is where Guru was separated from his family before proceeding to Kotla Nihang with his two elder sons and 40 followers.

Gangu, the family’s old domestic servant, took the Guru’s mother and two younger sons to his native village of Saheri near Morinda. The Guru’s wives, Mata Sunderi and Mata Sahib Devi, were disguised as rustic women and brought to Delhi. A gurudwara called Parivar Vichhora Sahib marks the location where the Guru’s family was separated. The gurudwara’s construction began in 1963 and was completed in 1975. Every year in December, a large three-day fair is held here.

Gurudwara Bhatta Sahib, Rupnagar

Gurudwara Bhatta Sahib is located on the outskirts of Rupnagar in the village of Kotla Nihang. It was built in Guru Gobind Singh’s honour. After leaving Anandpur Sahib, the Guru was pursued by the enemy and sought refuge with the Pathans of Kotla Nihang. The latter, in jest, mentioned a lime-kiln as the only suitable place for him to stay. According to legend, the Guru led his horse directly to the kiln and, as he approached, The fire miraculously extinguished. The Pathans invited the Guru to their home after hearing about the miracle. The Guru gave them gifts (weapons) and then fled to Chamkaur Sahib the next day, unnoticed by his pursuers. Baba Jiwan Singh built the Gurudwara on the site of the kiln in 1914.

The Gurudwara houses a silver sword, a kitar, and a dhal that the Guru gave to the Pathans. On the 11th of Bhadon (August), a fair is held here to commemorate the death anniversary of Baba Jiwan Singh. Furthermore, a fair is held here on 2-4 Poh (December), when a large number of people visit.

Jateshwar Mahadev Temple, Jatwahar, Rupnagar

The ancient temple of Jateshwar Mahadev, popularly known as Shiv Mandir, is located in the village of Jatwahr, about 6 kilometres from the village of Bains on the Rupnagar-NurpurBediroad. According to local legend, the temple dates back to the distant past. However, the current structure does not appear to be older than 100 years. It was built by Jai Dayal Sharma, a resident of Takhatgarh village. There is clear evidence of an earlier temple on the site, with four carved sandstone pillars dating from the 10th-11th centuries. There is also a mound near the temple that appears to date from the mediaeval period.

The temple is revered and visited by devotees from all over Punjab, as well as the neighbouring states of Haryana and Himachal Pradesh. Every Monday during the Sawan month (July-August), a large number of people visit the temple. A fair is also held every year on Shivratri in the month of February.

Bhakra Nangal Dam

The Bhakra Dam, located about 10 kilometres from Nangal, is one of the world’s highest straight gravity concrete dams. The dam’s construction began in November 1955. In its rear is a lovely lake called ‘Gobind Sagar,’ named after Guru Gobind Singh. It has a total length of 96 kilometres and a gross storage capacity of 7.8 million acre feet of water. The dam is flanked downstream by two power houses, one on each side of the Satluj River, each equipped with five generators capable of producing a total of 1050 MW of electricity.

There is a cafeteria at the dam’s top as well as about 1 km upstream of the dam. Water sports have been added to Gobind Sagar to make it a good tourist destination. A motorable road connecting Bhakra to Shimla and the Kulu valley via Naina Devi temple and Bilaspur has been built, opening up the interior of Himachal Pradesh to tourism.

The Nangal Dam, which is 1000 feet long and 95 feet high, is a subsidiary dam designed to divert water into the Nangal Hydel Channel. As a result, the Nangal Dam holds the water from the Satluj River coming from the Bhakra Dam and forms a 6-kilometer-long artificial lake. The Nangal Hydel Channel and the Nangal Dam were built before 1954.

Place of Treaty Between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Lord William-Bentick

Place of Treaty

On October 26, 1831, Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Lord William Bentinck, Governor General of India, met under a PIPAL TREE at Ropar on the Bank of Satluj. The Governer General allegedly met the Maharaja to demonstrate to the world that he and the Maharaja were friendly. Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the British worked out a number of boundary issues.


The Virasat-e-Khalsa Museum (previously known as the Khalsa Heritage Memorial Complex) is a museum in Anandpur Sahib. The museum provides insight into the events that occurred in Punjab five hundred years ago, giving birth to Sikhism and, eventually, the Khalsa Panth. The museum sheds light on the great Gurus’ vision, the eternal message of peace and brotherhood that they delivered to all mankind, and Punjab’s rich culture and heritage.

The hall has an imposing dome with a golden kalas on top. A large serai with approximately 200 rooms is also attached.

Virasat-e-Khalsa is conceived as a repository of the rich heritage of the Khalsa its history and culture of the Punjab so as to inspire visitors with the vision of the Gurus, emphasizing the eternal message of the great gurus for the whole mankind. The museum is intended to commemorate 500 years of Sikh history and the 300th anniversary of the Khalsa, the scriptures written by the 10th and last Guru Sh. Guru Gobind Singh Ji founder of modern Sikhism.

Towards the end of the fifteenth century,


in the Punjab region of Northern India, Guru Nanak Dev Ji founded a faith rooted in the core values of universalism, liberalism, and humanism. The nine Gurus who followed Him built upon and consolidated His teachings, thereby establishing Sikhism not only as a belief system but also as a way of life. Two hundred years later, in 1699, on the occasion of Baisakhi, the Tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji formally founded the Khalsa Panth at Anandpur Sahib, establishing a social order committed to peace, equality and justice for all. Today, on the same site, stands the majestic Gurdwara Takht Sri Kesgarh Sahib.

The year 1999 marked the Tercentenary of the Birth of the Khalsa. To commemorate this event, the Government of Punjab laid forth the outlines of a magnificient edifice to be known as Virasat – e – Khalsa at Sri Anandpur Sahib.The Heritage Complex is inspired by the rich natural and architectural heritage of Sri Anandpur Sahib, while also drawing heavily from Sikh and regional architecture. Contrary to the tradition of domes which crown the sacred Sikh sites, the roofs of the Museum are concave-shaped receptors facing the sky. Sheathed in stainless steel, they reflect the sun’s light towards the Gurdwara and the Fort.

After thirteen years of construction it has been inaugurated on November 25, 2011. It was opened for public on November 27, 2011.There are two complexes at each side of a ravine, connected by a ceremonial bridge:


• The smaller, western complex includes an entrance piazza, an auditorium with 400 seating-capacity, two-story research and reference library and changing exhibition galleries. • The eastern complex contains a round memorial building as well as extensive, permanent exhibition space, consisting of two clusters of galleries that try to evoke the fortress architecture of the region (most evident in a nearby Gurudwara) and form a dramatic silhouette against the surrounding cliff terrain. The gathering of the galleries in groups of five reflects the Five Virtues, a central tenet of Sikhism. The buildings are constructed of poured-in-place concrete; some beams and columns remain exposed, though a great deal of the structures will be clad in a local honey-colored stone. The rooftops are stainless steel-clad and exhibit a double curvature: they gather and reflect the sky while a series of dams in the ravine create pools that reflect the entire complex at night. The building was designed by world acclaimed architect Mr. Moshe Saifde.

Sri Chamkaur Sahib

Chamkaur Sahib is located on the banks of the Sirhind Canal, 15 kilometres from Morinda and 16 kilometres from Rupnagar. Guru Gobind Singh, his two elder sons, and 40 followers had arrived here from Kotla Nihang, with his pursuers hot on his tail. They entered the garden of Raja Bidhi Chand, where Gurudwara Damdama Sahib now stands. There are several Gurudwaras in this area commemorating Guru Gobind Singh’s visits and halts.

Gurudwara Katalgarh Sahib, also known as Gurudwara Shahidganj, is a Sikh temple in Katalgarh, India. It holds a special place among the Gurudwaras in Chamkaur Sahib. It is built on the site where Guru’s elder sons, Baba Ajit Singh and Baba Jhujhar Singh, as well as his 37 followers, died fighting against the Mughal Army.

Bhakra Dam

The Bhakra Dam is a concrete gravity dam located near the border of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh in northern India. The dam, which is located in a gorge near the upstream Bhakra village in the Himachal Pradesh district of Bilaspur, about 13 kilometres upstream from Nangal township, is Asia’s second tallest at 225.55 metres (740 feet), after the 261-meter-high Tehri Dam. Its reservoir, known as the “Gobind Sagar,” has a capacity of 9.34 billion cubic metres.

The reservoir created by the Bhakra Dam is 90 kilometres long and covers an area of 168.35 kilometers2. In terms of water storage capacity, it is the second largest reservoir in India, after the Indira Sagar dam in Madhya Pradesh, which has a capacity of 12.22 billion cubic metres. The dam, dubbed the “New Temple of Resurgent India” by Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister, attracts a large number of tourists who come to see its reservoir and scenic location. The distance between Ganguwal and Bhakra Dam is approximately 30-35 kilometres.

The Nangal dam is located downstream of the Bhakra dam. Despite the fact that the dams are separate, they are sometimes referred to as the Bhakra-Nangal dam.


Nangal, located at the foot of the Shiwalik Hills, is 60 kilometres from Rupnagar, the district headquarters. The city is surrounded by a beautiful environment of hills, rivers, and canals, and it is a popular tourist destination in the district.

It is split into two sections: Nangal Township and Naya Nangal. Nangal was named after acquiring land from three villages: Nangal Nikku, Hambewal, and Dubheta. It gained prominence with the start of construction of the Bhakra Dam on the Satluj River in November 1955. It is a thriving tourist attraction due to the mighty multipurpose Bhakra Project, which includes, in addition to the Bhakra Dam, the Nangal Dam, the Nangal Hydel Channel, the Ganguwal and Kotla Power Houses.

Shri Naina Devi Temple

Shri Naina Devi Ji Temple is located on a hilltop in the Himachal Pradesh district of Bilaspur, bordering the Punjab district of Rupnagar. This well-known temple is linked to National Highway No. 21. The nearest airport is Chandigarh, which is served by Jet Airways and Indian Airlines flights to New Delhi. The shrine is approximately 100 kilometres from Chandigarh.

This shrine is accessible by car from Anandpur Sahib and Kiratpur Sahib. Taxis can be rented from these locations. The distance between Kiratpur Sahib and the shrine is 30 kilometres, of which 18 kilometres are driven through the hills. The distance from Anandpur Sahib is 20 kilometres, of which 8 kilometres are in the hills. People used to trek to the shrine from Kaulan Wala Toba, near Anandpur Sahib. All major cities in Punjab and Himachal Pradesh have frequent State Transport bus services.

Once you reach the Temple Bus Stand, you have the following options to go to the temple:

Ropeway :

Ropeway facility is available as per the following timings:

  • OCTOBER : 8:00 AM 6:30 PM
  • NOVEMBER: 8.15 AM to 5.30 PM

Palkis/On Foot :

Most pilgrims reach to the top of the hill on foot chanting Jai Mata Di. The distance is quite comfortable and can be covered within half an hour. Palkis are also available which can be hired, if required. Resting facilities including toilets are available on the way. Facilities for refreshments and cold water are also there. However, it is advisable to bring bottled/mineral water along with you. Lots of new facilities are coming up with the help of Shri Naina Devi Shrine Board.

Archeological Museum

The Archaeological Museum is situated in Rupnagar town situated on the bank of sutlej river. Opened to public in the year 1998, the museum houses the archaeological remains of excavated site near Ropar, the first Harappan site excavated in Independent India.

The excavation revealed a cultural sequence from Harappan to medieval times. Important exhibits include antiquities of Harappan times, Painted Grey ware culture, Saka, Kushana, Gupta times such as Vina Vadini (lady playing on vina), steatite seal, copper and bronze implements, ring stone, yakshi image, gold coins of Chandragupta. Besides, the visitors can have a glimpse of important protected monuments of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and World Heritage monuments.

Kikar Lodge, Rupnagar

If you want to experience warmth, comfort and adventure all in one location, head to The Kikar Lodge. Nestled in the Shivalik foothills at the northern periphery of the State of Punjab, The Kikar Lodge is India’s First Private Forest Reserve spread over 1800 acres of forest, a secluded haven of luscious green splendour.

Best Time to Visit in Rupnagar

Rupnagar’s weather is similar to that of the rest of North India, with hot summers, heavy monsoons, and cold winters. Rupnagar tourism is at its peak between September and November.

How to Reach Rupnagar

Rupnagar is well connected to the rest of the country by air, rail, and road. The following choices are available while travelling to Rupnagar:

By Air

The nearest airports are at Mohali, which is 40 kilometres away, and Chandigarh, which is 50 kilometres away.

By Rail

Rupnagar is served by Northern Railway and has a railway station named Rupnagar. In Himachal Pradesh, it is well connected to Chandigarh, Ambala, Delhi, New Delhi, Sri Anandpur Sahib, Nangal, and Una. Rupnagar is connected to Chamdigarh, Ambala, Panipat, Delhi, and New Delhi by a few trains, including the Himachal Express and Jan Shatabadi.

By Road

Rupnagar is connected to a vast network of highways that connects it to cities across India, including Chandigarh, New Delhi, Ludhiana, Jaipur, Jammu, Shimla, Kullu, and Manali. Buses and taxis are readily available for travelling the distance between the two cities.

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